We’re still here.

Wow.  I can’t believe how long it has been since I’ve blogged.

Life is good.  Michael and Jett are just cute little buddies.  They play and laugh and love to gang up on their mama!  Of course they fight, I feel like I say 100 times a day “Don’t touch your brother!” (usually I’m talking to Michael who still wants to cuddle Jett to death) and “Don’t talk to your brother or about him! I don’t want to hear you say each other’s name!” But alas, that’s part of being siblings isn’t it?  Best friends or enemies and it changes minute to minute.

Honestly though most days I sit and marvel at how wonderful they get along.  Today they were in the car having a conversation and I was driving just beaming with joy.  I mean, 3 years ago neither of these boys could speak full sentences and here they are in the back seat engaging in discussions about what they were going to play with when they get home.  And they bargain and negotiate, “I will let you have Batman for two weeks if you give me your camera.”

And Jett says all the time, “Whatever Michael do, I want to do.  I want to do the same thing as Michael. ” And it’s true.

Jett has a destructive side.  I just took all the books out of his room because he tore 3 of them up in the last week.  He used to do things like that all the time but I thought he had grown out of it, but lately he has been back to being destructive.  I think it is a phase he is going through, he is actually being naughty all around.

But he is still one of the funniest people I know and he constantly cracks my husband and me up.

Next year Jett will go to school for two full days, which is probably a post in itself.  The school wants him there full time, heck they wanted him there full time last year and I gave them an hour a week.  This year I gave in and am giving them two full days, maybe next year I will give them 3.  But he is still 3 years away from being in school full time and I see no need to rush him.  He is developmentally, socially, mentally on track.  He will get social interaction and we will be able to work with him on what modification will work best for him when he starts school but we can figure those things out without him being there full time.  We actually battled it out a little bit but in the end I feel like I won.  I just wish it wasn’t a me versus them scenario.  Being a former teacher I was always on the other side and now I really feel bad about the parents we railroaded into doing what we thought was best which honestly was frequently what was easiest for us.  I’m ashamed to admit that.  The truth is they want Jett there full time to get money from his attendance not because it is in his best interest.  Okay, I’m done.

Jett is thriving despite the fact that he never sleeps, I swear he wears me down with his head banging.  He has a perpetual sore on his forehead from banging it against his crib.  All the research I’ve done says not to worry but it’s hard not to.  If I can get that boy asleep by 10 pm it’s been a successful evening.  But then he sleeps until almost 9 am.  And yes I’ve tried waking him up early and skipping naps and adjusting schedules and nothing works, it just makes him sleepy and grumpy and downright mean!  Michael wakes up at 6:30 no matter what I do and Jett is a night-owl no matter what I do.  In fact, what happens when I don’t nap him is he falls asleep early, like at 7 pm, and then wakes up 90 minutes later and then having finally taken what is essentially a really late nap he will be awake until midnight or 1 am.  Ridiculous.  But school starts at 7:45 next year so wish us luck!

I will try to see what cute pictures I have of Jett.  Sadly I’ve been a little overhwhelmed with just daily life and have really slacked off on the picture taking.  I’m going to deeply regret that one day.

Overall on a daily basis I say, “thank God for Jett.”  He really is an immense blessing to our family.  I feel very lucky and thankful for the gift that is Jett.

Jett with my dad’s dad.  He is in a care facility after having his leg amputated.  Michael would barely talk to him but Jett asked all about his leg and climbed up in his lap and was just a little charmer!  We always say to know Jett is to love Jett.

Thomas the train came to town.

And Jett at Easter.

And don’t forget to check out my other blog. which I don’t update often but it has been updated more recently than this.  http://lilfella.wordpress.com

And if you ever have any questions I love to talk about my favorite subject: my boys!

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